2650 Bahia Vista Street, Suite 202, Sarasota, FL 34239


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Monday – Thursday
10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday


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Brain Injury Recovery Program

Impact and Non-Impact Brain injuries

Approximately 50% of people suffer from various forms of brain injuries and don’t know it.
Your spouse, child, parent, employee, employer, or you may be struggling with emotional, relational, learning, impulse, digestive, and balance issues that stem from the brain.

Brain injuries fall into Impact and Non-impact brain injuries.

Impact Brain Injuries

Impact brain injuries is the direct impact of the head, with another object: windshield, door, wall, floor, staircase, car door frame, cabinet shelf, another person’s head, a fist, an elbow, a baseball, a bat, etc. these injuries are what most people think of when they think of brain injuries and they fall into three categories: Sub-concussions, Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI’s).

Sub-Concussions are minor hits to the head that you easy forget and seldom have any immediate symptoms. For example, soccer players that frequently heads the ball, wrestlers cross faced by opponents’ forearm, jabs to the face in boxing, kicks and strikes to the head in martial arts. These are micro injuries to the brain that have a cumulus effect and more likely to create chronic low-grade inflammation in the brain which takes a few decades to produce symptoms of impairment.

Concussions are considered mild TBIs. These are hits to the head that produces some immediate pain and/or disorientation. No obvious gross brain tissue injury is found, however, the neurons are stretched and twisted at point of impact and deep in the brain producing inflammation and brain function is impaired. A patient with a concussion can be treated in a clinic and may need rehabilitation.

Severe and Moderate TBIs involve a skull fracture, brain bleeding or damage to brain tissue that impairs brain function. Severe TBIs usually require hospital care, brain imaging and specialized rehabilitation.

All forms of impact head injuries can lead to or result in serious symptoms and disability.

Common Symptoms of Impact Brain Injuries

It’s important to note that depending on which part(s) of the brain is affected a person may experience one or several of these symptoms and at various levels of severity.

Heart rate variability
Develop poor gut function
Leaky gut
Sound Sensitivity
Light Sensitivity
Tinnitus or ringing in the ears
Double vision
Vision problems
Trouble focusing
Attention issues
Motivation Problems
Depression and Anxiety
Behavioral Problems
Dry eyes and dry mouth
Balance issues
Coordination issues
Fatigue when reading
Unprovoked anger
Apathy or not caring
Increased or decreased skin sensitivity issues
Speech issues
Memory issues
Spatial awareness issues
Poor Balance
Poor muscle tone
Poor motor coordination

Non-Impact Brain Injuries

Non-Impact Brain Injuries that are easily missed because there was no collision of the head with another object. Non-impact brain injuries fall into four categories:

Deceleration brain injuries occur when moving very quickly and come to a sudden abrupt stop and the brain is shaken inside the skull hitting against the skull’s bony structures. This occurs in car accidents and in sports when two or more players run into each other but don’t hit their heads.

Chemical brain injuries occur through inhalation, skin contact, and ingestion.
Inhaling chemicals i.e., gases, vapors, fumes, dust, smoke, and mists.
Absorption of chemicals through the skin, i.e., solvents (thinners, degreasers, de-icers, etc.) and pesticides.
Ingesting chemicals i.e., extensive use of certain prescription medications & anesthesia, heavy alcohol consumption, and illegal drug use.

Pathogenic brain injuries: mold biotoxins, fungus, viruses, and bacteria-like tick-borne infections.

Functional brain injuries:
Nutritional deficiencies: Chronic inadequate consumption or absorption of essential fatty acids, protein, minerals, vitamins, and/or water.
Insomnia or shifting working: The inability to regularly get uninterrupted quality sleep (for 7-8 hours per night, three nights a week), has been clinically proven to impair decision making, reaction time, focus, concentration, memory, learning, and emotional resilience.
Chronic Stress: Chronic over-working; caring for a chronically ill family member; living with someone with untreated mental illness, addiction, or an abusive relationship, etc.

The most common symptoms from Non-Impact Brain Injuries are brain fog, emotional problems, personality changes, focus and concentration issues, memory issues although there may also be a variety of other symptoms. Many people are misdiagnosed with Dementia when they are actually struggling with Non-Impact Brain Injuries.

There are many effective natural strategies for reversing the negative effects of most brain injuries. The treatment plan is dependent on which parts of the brain are affected, how long ago the injury(s) were sustained, degree of impairment, general state of health, coping skills, current levels of stress and level of family support.

When you’re ready to positively change the trajectory of your health, call 941-923-0283 to schedule a brief phone consultation to see if I can be of help to you and if we are a good fit for working together.