Traumatic Stress Disorders Neuro-Reset Program
Traumatic Stress Disorders include Complex Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders
Complex Trauma is the immediate and long-term consequences of children’s exposure to maltreatment and other traumatic experiences. Emotional abuse and neglect, sexual abuse, and physical abuse, as well as witnessing domestic violence, ethnic cleansing, or war, can interfere with the development of a secure attachment within the caregiving system. Complex trauma exposure results in a loss of core capacities for self-regulation and interpersonal relatedness.
This loss of core capacities makes these individuals to have more trouble with managing stress and coping with pressure in productive ways.
7 Domains of Impairment in Children/Adults Exposed to Complex Trauma

- Problems with boundaries
- Distrust and suspiciousness
- Social isolation
- Interpersonal difficulties
- Difficulty attuning to other people’s emotional states
- Difficulty with perspective taking

Biology Sensorimotor developmental problems
- Analgesia Problems with coordination, balance, body tone
- Somatization Increased medical problems across a wide span (e.g.) Pelvic pain, Asthma, Skin Problems,
- Autoimmune disorders, Pseudoseizures

Affect regulation
- Difficulty with emotional self-regulation
- Difficulty labeling and expressing feelings
- Problems knowing and describing internal states
- Difficulty communicating wishes and needs

- Distinct alterations in states of consciousness
- Amnesia
- Depersonalization and derealization
- Two or more distinct states of consciousness
- Impaired memory for state-based events

Behavioral control
- Poor modulation of impulses
- Self-destructive behavior
- Aggression toward others
- Pathological self-soothing behaviors
- Sleep disturbances
- Eating disorders
- Substance abuse
- Excessive compliance
- Oppositional behavior
- Difficulty understanding and complying with rules
- Reenactment of trauma in behavior or play (sexual, aggressive, etc.)

- Difficulties in attention regulation and executive functioning
- Lack of sustained curiosity
- Problems with processing novel information
- Problems focusing on and completing tasks
- Problems with object constancy
- Difficulty planning and anticipating
- Problems understanding responsibility
- Learning difficulties
- Problems with language development
- Problems with orientation in time and space

- Lack of a continuous, predictable sense of self
- Poor sense of separateness
- Disturbances of body image
- Low self-esteem
- Shame and guilt
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is generally related to a traumatic single event or series of events within a short period of time, while complex PTSD is related to a series of events that repeatedly occurred over an extended period of time.
PTSD is more likely to be associated with flashbacks of a particular event, vulnerability to specific triggers, or difficulty coping with a major life transition, while symptoms of Complex PTSD are more pervasive and can be generalized to any number of stressful situations.
Depending on the age of the individual, duration, and severity of the trauma there may be many symptoms that resemble and overlap with Complex Trauma.
Common symptoms persons with Complex Trauma and PTSD seek help for are:
Intrusive memories/thoughts
Self-destructive behavior
Social isolation
Emotional detachment
Chronic Pain
Chronic Fatigue
Weakened Immune systems
Treatment for Complex Trauma and PTSD requires reorganizing and resetting how the emotional centers of the brain processes information and disrupting and removing the traumatic encoding in the brain so the perceptions of inescapability both in the past and present are dissolved.
The most effective approach for freeing people from the constant neurological dysregulation form trauma is a combination of gentle non-threatening brain-based somatic techniques and processes. Once the stress responses are neutralized and the body and nervous system are grounded the mind is prepared and free for reframing. This process discharges chronic tension and stress from the body and often many of their physical symptoms and complaints significantly reduce as well as their mood regulation issues.
When you’re ready to positively change the trajectory of your health, call 941-923-0283 to schedule a brief phone consultation to see if I can be of help to you and if we are a good fit for working together.